Richmond Property Group

Commercial Property Management Specialists - Victoria, BC

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Strata Management

Strata management is an increasingly complex business.  Strata owners need to feel confident that their Strata Manager is up to date and able to help council navigate through the requirements of the Strata Property Act and all the new regulations.

At RPG Ltd. we offer a comprehensive management program with experienced Strata Managers who understand what is required and who act as a support and a resource for strata councils.

Excellent communication, attention to detail and a fully transparent reporting system have made RPG Ltd. the "premier" strata management company for Greater Victoria, Sooke, Sidney, Salt Spring Island and Southern Vancouver Island.

RPG Ltd. offers specialized strata management programs for:

  • Commercial stratas
  • Sectioned stratas
  • Mixed Use stratas
  • Bare Land stratas

RPG Ltd. provides secure access to strata documents for strata owners via our Real Estate Council of BC approved web login.

Contact us to find out how RPG Ltd. can take the frustration and worries out of strata living. 

Call or email for a competitive quote.


Our people make the difference!

Greater Victoria Chamber of CommerceWestShore Chamber of CommerceBOMA BCcondominium home owners association
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